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  • Blended English course for nursery, primary and secondary teachers ID N° 2079-11-LQ17

Blended English course for nursery, primary and secondary teachers ID N° 2079-11-LQ17

The Chilean Ministry of Education wishes to improve the English level of up to 4,500 Chilean non-English teachers (nursery, primary and secondary teachers, the latter with a focus on maths and science) so they can access resources in English via the Internet to improve their practice in the subjects they teach. The call is to deliver English lessons via blended learning to three cohorts.

Each cohort will have a minimum of 350 participants and up to a maximum of 1,500 participants, taking them from A1 to A2, or A2 to B1, or from B1 to B2 on the Common European Framework, depending on their starting level, by the end of the course.

The cohorts will run sequentially between September 2018 and the mid-January 2019, with a maximum of 80 training hours per cohort.

The bidder:

  • Must be a not for profit organisation registered in Chile, with documents that certify its existence and validity, legalised in the Consulate of the country of origin, and by the Chilean Foreign Office
  • Must have a legal representative in Chile
  • Must have an address in Chile
  • If it is a Public Limited Company, must certify its existence according to article 121 in Ley N°18.046

Action Required

Go to www.mercadopublico.cl, look for the tender ID 2079-11-LQ17 and download the documents (which are in Spanish).

Closing date is 19 April 2018 at 4pm Chile time.