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Thailand - Updates and Development in Digital

It is well known that the internet is very important in the Thai market, but the survey “Internet User Profile 2015” conducted by the Electronic Transactions Development Agency enables us to understand Thai internet users more deeply. 

The following interesting points are raised by the survey: 

  • Generation Y (aged 15-34) spends the highest number of hours using the internet: 54.2 hours/week, or approximately 8 hours/day. 
  • Facebook is the most popular social media network for Thai people, followed by Line and Google respectively. WhatsApp and Twitter are considerably less popular. 
  • The majority of respondents use smartphones to access the internet (81.8%), while only 54.5% access the internet via desktop. 
  • Nearly 90% of respondents use the internet at home, followed by 43.2% who use the internet in the workplace. 
  • Most people use the internet to communicate on social media and search for information. 
  • Nearly 60% of people who visit e-commerce websites are influenced by product reviews or comments from other customers. 50% are influenced by on-line advertisements and 34% by word of mouth or friends’ recommendations. 

The full report on the survey can be downloaded from https://www.etda.or.th/publishing-detail/thailand-internet-user-profile-2015-th.html

Comments and Analysis by Uraiwan Samolee, Head of Business Development, Education 
It can be clearly seen that the internet has become more important in Thailand. In addition to the increasing number of users, the internet is one of the most important tools for driving the economy and having an impact on Thai society. 

For UK institutions, online media is becoming a powerful tool for promotion of courses and the institutions themselves. Facebook, Line, and Google should always be considered in marketing and promotion plans, and it is also important that messages are carefully tailored to engage the Thai audience. From the survey, we can see the influential value of product reviews. The format of advertisements should always be designed to be suitable for a smartphone. Viral marketing is very impactful in Thailand. For UK institutions, it is often useful to have interesting stories of alumni sharing their experience of studying in the UK, as these anecdotes tend to be shared on social media and help create a wider impact. 

In addition, Thailand has recently launched a new strategy for the digital economy, at the Digital Thailand Conference in late May 2016, aiming to use digital technology and media to promote the economic development of Thailand. A designated organisation or ministry directly responsible for driving this strategy will be set, ensuring the policy remains relevant to wide selection of areas for development, such as on-line education, cyber security, digital innovation to support SMEs, big data, and so on. 

I believe this initiative on the digital economy will encourage increasing demands for skills and education in related areas in technology and media. This will be a good opportunity for UK institutions to promote their expertise and courses related to these areas, both in terms of student recruitment and partnerships with Thai institutions. 

Sources of information: 