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India - August Bulletin - Market news update – Edition 1

New panel to revise higher education curriculum

UGC Chairman Prof Ved Prakash announced NDA plans to form a National Education Commission to revise higher education curriculum in India. This is to meet the challenges and requirements of the age in the sector. He also addressed issues of faculty shortage in colleges, owing it to rapid expansion of higher education institutions in the country.


UGC wants universities to extend integrated courses duration

UGC insists on integrated programmes not being of lesser duration than separate programmes put together. Thus shorter and therefore popular integrated programmes may lose their demand to this rule. Though many such courses have international
recognition, UGC insists on not economising courses.


IIT, KGP aims at improving international ranking

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) is going international! They are rolling out short Summer Winter terms to increase their international ranking by inviting students, faculties and even Nobel laureates from other countries to develop these exchange programmes. Both government funds and Alumni funds are being used to support these programmes. Following the success of the programme, MHRD has requested IIT KGP to develop a blueprint for other institutes to use.


Varsities take internationalisation seriously

Phil Baty of Times Higher Education talks about the list of Asia rankings and India’s performance therein. Ten Indian institutions have made it to the top 100 in the rankings. “There is a dramatic improvement in India’s representation in the top 100 compared to last year. The main reason for this change is the increased engagement by the Indian institutions. We have seen Indian universities submit data in much higher numbers this year. India is finally taking internationalisation seriously.” says Baty.
