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Digital technology breakthrough to help the future of education in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka ranks among the top 5 emerging countries with a sound business climate – Growing economy, improving service sectors and high human development. With a strategic partnership with Google, Sri Lanka will be the first country in the world to have internet access covering the whole island.

Sri Lanka has posted the fastest growth rate in South Asia in the past three years whilst managing 4.7 per cent inflation and 4.5 per cent unemployment. The economists have projected the country’s growth for next three years to remain high at 7.5 per cent. Another promising factor is the rising global prosperity index and the human development index. Sri Lanka is ranked highest in South Asia in both these indexes. A common objective of the current and previous government was to make Sri Lanka an education hub in Asia. The strategic partnership with Google and the Sri Lankan government in providing internet access across the island is expected to have positive impact on the education sector, as it would ensure that students, especially in the rural parts of Sri Lanka would have an opportunity and access to quality education. This would also help the TNE sector to move into new markets across the island. Currently TNE operations are based within the main cities due to accessibility; however with internet access covering Sri Lanka, markets for more online based education options are created. This would also be beneficial to the UK Higher Education sector, as Sri Lanka has one of the highest penetrations on mobile devices in Asia with 2.8 million internet users. Pointing towards an opportunity to increase awareness on UK education options through digital and social media channels and to increase and promote in-country delivery.

To read more about the Google Loon project click here