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China's teacher education plan calls for increased internationalisation


In late September 2018, the Chinese Ministry of Education announced more details of the country's Outstanding Teacher Education Development Plan 2.0. The new announcement includes a strong section on internationalisation calling for stronger and deeper exchanges with high-quality overseas education institutions, including bilateral resource sharing, joint training and exchange of teacher-training students, and mutual credit recognition. The plan aims to increase the proportion of trainee teachers gaining international experience at overseas HEIs as well as practical experience at overseas primary and secondary schools to learn from advanced overseas education systems.

Analysis by Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst, International Education Services

The Outstanding Teacher Education Development Plan is one of six subject-specific Outstanding Excellence Plans, which was discussed in a previous British Council International Education Services Market News update. Although implementation details have not yet been announced, the increased focus on overseas experience and cooperation may create opportunities for UK universities with strong teacher training programmes as well as schools looking to work with Chinese educators.


1. Ministry of Education, MoE Opinions on the Implementation of the Outstanding Teacher Education Development Plan 2.0 (in Chinese): http://www.moe.gov.cn/srcsite/A10/s7011/201810/t20181010_350998.html

2. British Council International Education Services, Chinese Ministry of Education launches “Outstanding Excellence Plan 2.0” to train lecturers and boost undergraduate teaching quality (June 2018): https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/news/market-news/chinese-ministry-of-education-launches-%E2%80%9Coutstanding-excellence-plan-20%E2%80%9D-train